Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How to ensure effective preparation of NDA National Defence Academy Exam

NDA, National Defence Academy and every year its examinations are held twice by UPSC. It is one of the most competitive exams held in the country.  This article is written for the students of Warriors Defence Academy , a premier NDA SSB coaching in Lucknow, as well as other students preparing for the NDA in all over the country.

I have provided here few guidelines to prepare for the exams effectively and seamlessly.
1.       Select a place to study. This point is especially for the students who do not go to coaching institutes or go to the coaching institute but do not stay in hostel. No point in roaming all over house and try to learn. You need some place. Always sit on a chair and use table to study. Keep you place clean and arrange them in proper order daily. You will see positive energy flowing in your work place which will inspire you to study hard.

If you are a student in the academy, best NDA SSB coaching in Lucknow,  availing hostel facilities you would already be having a table and a chair at your disposal. Make the best of it.

2.       Quotes, pictures and objective. It is very good thing to stick inspirational pictures on the wall. Consider your study room like a temple. You feel very happy, serene and energetic when visiting a temple. You should have similar feelings while studying. Stick the pictures of Swami Vivekanand, APJ Abdul Kalam, or whomsoever you consider as your ideal. Also write inspirational quotes. You can write the rank you want in NDA and stick it on the wall before the table so that you always keep seeing it when so ever you feel quitting.

3.        Limit your movements. It is very important that you remain stable physically in order to concentrate and build attention mentally. Keep  the shelf of the books, pencils and other things required close at hand so that you don`t have to move yourself every time you need them. Continuous movement breaks the spell and leads to frustration. Also. It reduces the intensity of your efforts and sometime it leads you to start all over again on some topic.

4.       Keep your cell phone out. This point must be most annoying to you. But I am telling you. This point will make a great difference between success and failure in your life. Keep scrolling on facebook or youtube all the time is a sign of anxiety and it will never let you concentrate. Also, as a student you must try avoiding the glamour of the media that your smart phone offers.

5.       Rise early and go to park. You must sleep early to rise early. This is very important. You must be physically very sound at the time of SSB. Hence you must be familiar with all those exercises that help a candidate beat the physical challenges in the SSB. Also, rising early always keeps your schedule running in correct manner and you are in complete control of your daily activities.

6.       See the volume and not time you study. Most of the students have a tendency to measure the time rather than the topics that they need to cover. It is a sign of a superfluous nature and it won`t take you closer to the success. You are not studying complete some quota but to become an officer. Nothing should come in your way. No amount of preparation must satisfy you. You must study, study and study. You should divide your syllabus in topics and measure your progress topic wise.

In the end I will say that these above points may seem so common that you might be frustrated with me. You probably thought I will tell you some verse from Vedas or provide some old age trick. The answer to you is that they do not exist. There is no secret to success. You have to work hard. Yes, the way you work hard can make all the difference and it is what I have tried to explain here. The success lies in implementing what you know and not in knowing itself.

All the best,